Archive for category Mr Angefeet

The Fight

It has been an incredibly lazy day today, with timings all out (get up at 10.45, breakfast at 11.30, lunch at 3) and I now feel dozy and uninspired. I guess I needed a sleepy day, and the light covering of snow meant that I didn’t feel a need to go out anywhere.

Jenny begged for a snowball fight companion, but I argued that I had had a go yesterday after school, so Mr Angelfeet volunteered, leaving me as official photographer (oh, such a burden!), comfortable in the warmth of the kitchen, shooting through the window. I got to use my 70mm-300mm lens and the fangley-doo-da setting on my camera that shoots continuous mode.DSC00248




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A busy weekend

Gosh, I’ve been trying to post this for a couple of days.

It was a long, full weekend. Enjoyable, but exhausting.

On Saturday the Open Day at the allotment where I rent a plot was held. Julie ND and I tried to make our plot look presentable when we were down last weekend, aware that visitors would wandering around to have a nosey at what was growing, as well as taking part in the activities that had especially been laid on (barbecue, plant sale, tombola).

The weather was fab, the event well attended and the kids had a fabulous time. There was face painting:

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(Yes, I know, that’s a hand, so not strictly face painting).

I bought a couple of plants (quite restrained for me) and spent a fortune on trying to win Jenny something exciting on the tombola. Unsurprisingly for a community event, I kept bumping into people I knew, including a client, my neighbour across the road, another neighbour and her daughter from up the road, and Ash.

On Sunday Mr Angelfeet did a sponsored bike ride. With very little training and an excited Jenny on the back in the childseat, they set off on a 60 mile round trip from Ashford, down to the Kent Coast and then back through the South of England Rare Breeds Trust and Farm, before returning to the start point.

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Mr Angelfeet will admit it was slow going. I’m not sure why, although Mr A said there was quite a long way to the first rest point. The route took them down through the Romney marshes, which unsurprisingly, are flat and I guess a little uninspiring when you’re just trying to get from A to B. By the time they got the coast, Mr A reckons he was nearly 2 hours behind the rest of the riders. Jenny was shivery and I suspect, suffering from sunstroke. The marshalls convinced Mr A to accept a lift back to the near the start.  Mr A was reluctant but recognised it was best for both Jenbo and himself.

Meanwhile Rosie and I were exploring the Rare Breeds centre.

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Here is the one of the strangest Rare Breeds I encountered.

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Don’t you just love that hat. It matches her tongue.

We headed back to the start point and waited. And waited. And waited. The mobile phone coverage was very intermittent and unreliable (cough*rubbish Virgin media*cough), so we weren’t sure what was happening.

And then they arrived back.

Go here* to see the glorious homecoming. Forgive the terrible camera handling and the crazy woman cheering over the soundtrack (ahem).

I know he was disappointed not to have managed the whole 60 miles, but I’m proud of him. He was supposed to have been doing it with another (adult) friend, who had to pull out due to illness. He could have just opted for the short route (35 miles), but he felt it wasn’t honest to change the length of the route after people had started sponsoring him.

He’s a star.

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* and isn’t it ridiculous that I had to resort to uploading the video clip in Blogger because WordPress charge for video enbedding and I wasted an hour and a half trying to get three other free video sharing services to work. Aaaargh!

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