Archive for September, 2009

Can you believe she’s seven?

2009-09-13 012 copy for goodness sake

I can’t quite believe it. But Jenny is seven today. Happy Birthday my darling.

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The seasons move on

No, unfortunately, we’re not still by the coast in North Yorkshire, overlooking the bay and taking healthy walks on the beach every day.

Back to London, where life goes on and children return to school etc. Jenny, I’m pleased to say, has found the transition to year 2 almost effortless. She seems to like her new teacher, is enjoying the learning, and has not had trouble in leaving me in the mornings. That’s a huge relief.

Rosie loves year 6 so far and I’m trying not to panic about secondary schools for her. So all’s mostly well, except for Rosie smashing her knee into her mouth yesterday, whilst on a trampoline. Blood everywhere and teeth a little wobbly. Will someone say something reassuring about slightly wobbly teeth? I’m currently re-running nightmare pictures in my head of imagined surgery for these teeth and a lifetime of misery with them.

Apart from that . . .  well, I’ve made some big decisions about life-work balance. which I’ll write about another time.

It’s suddenly got very autumnal, which was a bit of a surprise and I can’t really find the right footwear, despite a fairly wide selection. Meanwhile the wild sweet peas are putting on a beautiful display, which is hindering our access to the front path. They’re not ready to say goodbye to summer.

2009-09-11 011

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